Sumaniketan Wishlist Fundraiser

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Sumaniketan Wishlist Fundraiser

TrendSet Winz

It is our effort to give our Balamitras (child volunteers) the opportunity to be creative about and take the initiative to come up with activities to raise funds. In keeping with this goal, we gave them the task of coming up with a fundraiser to fulfill the wish list of Sumaniketan school which consisted primarily of sports equipment and some art and craft material. The result was a fundraiser conceived, planned and implemented by 15 of our Balamitras with us playing only supporting roles. This bake sale cum games event conducted at Trendset Winz on Dec 15 2018 was a huge success with final collections exceeding the target by 80%. Sumaniketan students and staff expressed their gratitude when the wishlist items were given to them and expressed their desire to be a part of the fundraising initiatives in future.